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Door Slams Closed After Powering OnUpdated a year ago

If the door slams closed immediately when powered on from partially open, this indicates a communication error between the board and the motor. The majority of the time this is due to one of the wires in the Motor cable coming loose.

Gently unplug the motor cable plugged into the Motor port of the AutoSlide control panel (this is the top port on the left). Examine the cable for any loose connections or physical damage. Gently push each wire into the plug connector to ensure none are loose.

Examine this same cable at the other end. Make sure none of the wires going from the cable into the motor are loose. Examine the pins of the Motor port on the controller. Make sure none of them are excessively bent or broken off.

If possible, carefully open the endcap of the motor and check that all wires from the motor cable are connected. Note that this is not easily accessible, however in some cases a loose pin can be pushed back into a connector and resolve the issue. Otherwise, contact AutoSlide support.

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